CEREBRAL PALSY UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB is a charity and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1175709.
We have achieved Charity Status!!
This has been a massive piece of work and has taken 16 months to get it finished. We need to say a massive thank you to all involved in the this process, especially Pete Nicholls (one of our coaches) who has led on the application process and also all our trustee’s…it would not have been possible without you stepping forward to help.
This won’t change anything in terms of the running of the football club, other than add value to our internal processes/procedures… But what it does mean is that we can now get much needed access to more financial support from various sources (ie; larger grants, donations etc) This will help us to sustain the programs we have and continue to grow as a club.
Thanks again to all who have worked so hard behind the scenes on this!
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