January 24, 2019
SATURDAY 30th March 2019

•Rep. Ireland Development Program
•CP United FC (England)
•Northern Ireland CP Development Program
•USA CP team (made up of young players from across the US)
•Syngenta (Scotland)


As a club we are hoping to fly out from Liverpool Airport Saturday morning and return the same day flight times are:

LIVERPOOL – 08.25 am  ARRIVE DUBLIN  09.25 am – £18

DUBLIN   –     20.50 pm   ARRIVE LIVERPOOL 21.45 pm – £18

NB: The prices quoted are as of 23.01.19 and are adult prices.  These will obviously change once we give in the age of the players but this is merely a guide price and are very much subject to change.

MOST IMPORTANT – We need to know who is attending so please let us know at training on Saturday 26th January or via:

Email: info@cpunited.co.uk
Text Ruth: 07927 007190

Please do not send through to Michelle as Ruth is co-ordinating.

Once you have confirmed attendance we will need a copy of the players passport a copy of this again can be sent via email or through to Ruth or please bring a copy to training this Saturday.   The deadline date will be 31st January 2019.
Once we have a list of who is attending we can book the flights and confirm the final cost.

•KIT: All players to travel in CP United kit and bring shin pads, boots for 3G surface and drinks bottle (club bags and drinks bottles are available on the club shop)

•Hand luggage bag only, we will provide a list of items you will need in your bag nearer the time.

•All transfers from Dublin airport to venue provided.

•Lunch will be provided on the day but all players will need some money to get their tea before we fly home on Saturday evening.

***Donations/sponsorship needed***
To help support the trip if you know anyone who would like to contribute that would be a massive help.
This is the first international CP tournament for young players and we are extremely excited to be involved.

Parents/family attendance:
We would welcome any parents/family member who want to attend to come along but we need confirmation of this by 31/1/19.  Please note parents DO NOT have to come for your child to attend, you can drop them off at their airport and pick them up afterwards as you would do for a coach journey.

(Please also note that players will be together the whole time…they will sit together during the commute and be together all day until we get back to the airport.)